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Newsletter (in English)


It was decided to remove REVO Australia as a section and to relieve its members of rights and duties of REVOLUTION members on the Conference of REVOLUTION delegates in Prague 2006. In the opinion of Czech REVO leadership no sufficient and relevant reasons were given which would justify the above mentioned decision of the conference. On the opposite, the leadership of Czech REVO must claim that:

1. The decision of the conference wasn’t made after a sufficient general discussion and furthermore neither all delegates at the conference nor all members of REVOLUTION generally were familiarized with the materials which was used by majority as the base for the decision.
2. The decision of the conference wasn’t made after a sufficient discussion with members of REVO Australia (or if applicable with a leadership of this section).
3. The decision of the conference contains clearly nonsense and absurd statements (e.g. that REVO Australia doesn’t exist beyond some cynical front organization of Permanent Revolution group), which lack elementary signs of credibility and meaningfulness.
4. The decision of the conference completely ignores several years long, very well-known and very well recorded activities of our Australian comrades for a benefit of REVO and in the ranks of REVO. On the contrary, the decision comes without any previous critique against the activities of REVO Australia.

The true reason for the Conference decision was, in our opinion, a factional struggle inside the League for the Fifth International, during which one part of this organization used the space of REVOLUTION for attack and dehonestation of former members of League – and actual members of Permanent Revolution, who also work in REVO Australia. The members of League launched indiscriminative administrative measure against the REVO Australia as a whole.

The Czech REVO leadership therefore joins the appeal of four Australian comrades and calls on RIC to change the decision of REVOLUTION Conference e.g. calls for a restoration of all rights and duties of REVOLUTION members for individual members of REVO Australia and for restoration of the REVO Australia section as a section with all rights and duties.

On a special request we want to point out that this is a majority however not an unanimous decision. 20.09.2006

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