We are surprised and disappointed that the Revolutionary Socialist Organization (RSO) unilaterally broke off the process of discussions and fusion with us which began 15 months ago and was no secret in the left. In this way, the comrades dismantled our perspective which was oriented completely towards this fusion.
Two months ago, we made a concrete proposal for a fusion, which they rejected on organizational grounds. But instead of starting a discussion aimed at finding a compromise, they precipitated a split in our Berlin group which means we lost some of our members.
It is striking that this far-reaching decision was not prepared politically with position papers. Some RSO supporters in Revo Berlin together with the RSO leadership prepared this split secretly without even trying to fight for majorities within Revo.
We don’t think this is a sensible way of working in a revolutionary organization because there are many possibilities in Revo for members to change the organization’s positions. Even more severely, this decision was apparently not discussed within the RSO. This also lead some RSO activists to turn their back on that organization.
We do not want to shy away from a thorough examination of this split, but we see no point in doing so publicly and in detail in front of the entire left (and the right and the state). However, sympathizers and friendly organizations can contact us for more information.
The RSO’s breach with us undoubtedly means a weakening of both of our organizations and especially of the program both of us represent. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to un-do the split so far. We don’t see how a perspective for a fusion should exist now – in light of the undemocratic actions on part of the RSO as well as the underlying vision of how decisions should be made in revolutionary organizations.
We will continue our work – especially with the Swiss section of Revo which is being re-founded. In the long run, we will also look around for new partners in order to contribute to the unification of the fragmented forces of revolutionary marxism.
Emergency conference of Revo Germany, November 14, 2009
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