Greetings to the 2nd Congress of the Federation of University Students (FEU) of Columbia
Estimados compañeros, we send you fraternal greetings.
Students around the world are inspired that you, in the face of the most brutal repression by the state and the bourgeoisie in Colombia, continue the struggle for your rights.
You are not alone. All over the world young people are fighting for a better education system and a better world. Youth protests in France, Greece and Chile in the last few years, to name just a few examples, have shown that students can make their voices heard. With demonstrations, blockades and occupations, with a policy of active solidarity, we can draw the workers’ movement and all the oppressed into mass struggles.
We need more than international solidarity. We need to unite these different youth struggles. In order to learn from our different experiences and to fight against the international institutions of the capitalist classes (such as the IMF, WTO etc.), we need international unity. Our enemy, the capitalist system, functions at a global level; our struggle against it must be global as well.
A new, revolutionary youth international – which fights for unity between the oppressed and exploited youth and the working class – is the way forward for young people and students’ who want to end capitalism.
We wish you success at your congress and in your struggle the rights of students in Colombia.
with red, revolutionary and internationalist greetings,
//REVOLUTION – independent youth organization //Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Australia //www.onesolutionrevolution.org //July 21, 2008 //Source: page of the FEU
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