Archive for the Category 'Germany'
Open discussion meetings in Berlin and Prague about the struggles of women in the Arab world
In the last few months, millions of people in the Arab world have gone out onto the streets. Again and again, it was women in the front line of the protests. While discussions about Arab women tend to revolve around catchwords like “the veil” and “forced marriage”, the struggles of women in Tunisia, Egypt and other countries present a very different picture. »»»»
An antimilitarist from Munich is being persecuted by the justice system
While Germany is arming itself and participating in more and more wars, the ruling class wants to have a peaceful hinterland. The increasing xenophobia and the growing Nazi movement are a product of Germany’s imperialist policies. »»»»
RIO, the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization, was present at May Day demonstrations in Berlin, Prague, Zurch and St. Gallen this year. The following are reports from these actions. »»»»
(the past tense of ¡No pasarán!) – a report from the blockades against the Nazi demonstration on February 13 in Dresden
They didn’t pass! The planned Nazi demonstration on February 13 in Dresden was blocked by more than 10,000 people. At 5 o’clock that morning, 25 fully-loaded buses set off from Berlin to go to the blockades – all in all, more than 100 buses from across Germany and neighboring countries arrived in Dresden. »»»»
R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N – It’s clear, isn’t it?
January 9 (3-8 pm): Seminar about the Left in Europe
January 9 (from 10pm): Concert with Holger Burner
January 10 (10am): LLL-Demonstration
hosted by
More and more people see clearly that the capitalist system offers no solution to the crisis – that a revolution is necessary. But how do we get there? On the anniversary of the deaths of the revolutionaries Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht and V.I. Lenin the independent youth organization REVOLUTION invites you to the LLL-Weekend: »»»»
On 17 November more than 80,000 school and university students in 60 German cities demonstrated as part of the nationwide “education strike”. On International Student’s Day, the largest demonstrations took place in Berlin (12,000), Munich (10,000) and Wiesbaden (10,000). The education strike was smaller than the strike in June this year when more than 250,000 people were on the streets – but this was primarily due to a shorter mobilization period. Roughly 50 universities were occupied in the two weeks before the strike. In addition, during the week the first two high schools were occupied, in Dusseldorf and Berlin-Neukölln. »»»»
We are being watched more and more – but can Pirates help against that?
They want to fight against increasing state surveillance, completely revolutionise copyright laws and campaign for a democratic society. The Pirates have set themselves honourable goals and are currently very successful. But will they be able to implement their programme? »»»»
A nationwide mobilization of school and university students
After the last major school students’ strike in Germany in November 2008, there were large demonstrations across the country on June 17 in the framework of a week-long “education strike”. The participants nationwide numbered around 250,000: for example, in Berlin alone there were about 27,000 people on the streets, in Hamburg 13,000, in Kiel 3,000 (one week earlier), in Flensburg 2,500… Dresden 3,500 and Bremen 3,000. In over 80 cities people were out on the streets to express their discontent. »»»»
Fight Imperialism! Against the NATO summit on April 3-4, 2009!
At the beginning of April we are going to see a showcase of those who organize misery and death all around the world. NATO wants to celebrate its 60th anniversary in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden. The bourgeois media will faithfully report which head of state and which top-ranking general prattles about what in front of the press. We will hear about „worldwide terrorism“, „stabilisation“, about „peacekeeping operations“ and „global security“. In fact, NATO is no guarantee of security. Instead, it stands for the aggressive enforcement of the interests of the most powerful governments and the capitalists standing behind them. »»»»
A revolution took place here.
What? Here? Next to the supermarket where workers slave away for low wages? In front of the school where more than 30 pupils in each class remain well-behaved for the teacher? Behind the apartment building where Nazis attack people who they see as different?
Red flags waved here? Armed workers marched by this spot and chanted “All power to the councils”? Revolutions take place in Latin America, maybe also in France. But here? »»»»
100,000 school students across Germany went on strike on Wednesday, November 12. In more than 40 cities there were rallies and demonstrations instead of classes. In many places, university students and teachers expressed solidarity. The walkout was directed against overcrowded classrooms, the lack of teachers and the reform of the “abitur” program (the high school degree which qualifies for university), shortening it from nine to eight years. The strike was also against Germany’s three-tiered school system, which leads to education levels in Germany being more closely tied to social status than in any other developed country. »»»»